Learn Arabic Grammar Online
Arabic Singular, Dual, Plural 10
Exercise 1: Translate into English
- I ordered the preachers.
- They (P/M) wrote a book for the believers.
- They (P/F) ate the bread.
- You (P/M) cut the tree.
- She hit two boys and she took the umbrellas.
- They (P/M) killed the thieves.
- You (P/F) will study for two years.
- You (S/F) will cook for the worshippers.
- You (S/M) ate a fish, but I ate two fishes.
- She wrote two notebooks and you (P/M) read two books.
- The house’s maid cooked bread and she filled two jars.
- Khalid’s uncle (maternal) imprisoned the thieves in the jail.
اَلْوَاحِدُ، اَُلتَّثْنِيَةُ، اَُلَْْمْعُُ
Exercise 2: Translate into English
- ذُٰلِكَاُلْكِتٰبُلََُرَُيْبَفَُيْوِىُُدًىلُِّلْمُتَّقِيَُْ
- اُولُٰئِكَعَُلىٰىُُدًىمُِّنْرَُّبِِِّمْوَُاُُولُٰئِكَىُُمُاُلْمُفْلِحُوْنَُ
- وَيْلٌلُِّلْمُصَلِّيَْاُلَّذِيْنَىُُمْعَُنْصَُلََتِِِمْسَُاىُوْنَُ
- قَالُوْاإُُِنََِّانَُحْنُمُُصْلِحُوْنَأَُُلََإُُِنهَُّمْىُُمُاُلْمُفْسِدُوْنَوَُلُٰكِنْلََُّيَُشْعُرُوْنَُ
- وَمَُاىُُمْبُُِِؤْمِنِيَُْ
- إُِنَّاُلظُّٰلِمِيَْلََُمُْعَُذَابٌأَُُلِيْمٌُ
- أَُعَدَّاُللهُلُِلْكَافِرِيْنَعَُذَابًامُُّهِيْنًا
- إُِنَّاُللهَُيَُُِبُّاُلتَّوَّابِيَُْ
- إُِنَّوُيُغَْفِرُلُِلْمُؤْمِنِيَْوَُيُُدْخِلُهُمْجَُنّٰتٍتَُِْرِىْمُِنْتََُْتِهَااُلَُْْنْهٰرُُ
- اَلَْْمْدُلُِلّوِرَُبِّاُلْعٰلَمِيَُْ
- اَُلصَّلوٰةُوَُاُلسَّلََمُعَُلىٰسَُيِّدِاُلْمُرْسَلِيَْخَُاتَمُِاُلنَّبِيِّيَُُْمَُُُمَّدٍوَُّعَُلُٰىاُُٰلِوِوَُأَُُصْحَابِوُِ