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Arabic Present and Future Tense Verb 7

Exercise 1: Translate into English

  1. أَُذْىَبُُ
  2. يعَْمَهُوْنَُ
  3. يََْعَلُُ
  4. أَُعْلَمُُ
  5. نعَْبُدُُ

اَلْفِعْلُ اُلْمُضَاُرِعُُ


  1. تَُشْعُرُوْنَُ
  2. تَسْمَعِيَُْ
  3. تَلْعَبِيَُْ
  4. يلَْبَسْنَُ
  5. تََْزَُنَانُِ
  6. يؤُْمِنُوْنَُ
  7. تَتْلُوْنَُ
  8. تَنْسَوْنَُ
  9. يَذْبََِانُِ
  10. أَُشْرَبُُ

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic

  1. They (P/M) came to know.
  2. You (P/F) are reading.
  3. She is cooking.
  4. He is grieving.
  5. They (P/F) are cooking.
  6. I am making.
  7. We will drink.
  8. You (S/F) will go.
  9. You (S/M) will stop.
  10. They (D/M) will go.

Exercise 3: Translate into Arabic

  1. I will read your (S/M) newspaper.
  2. They (P/F) will cook a potatoe for you (P/M).
  3. You (P/M) are drinking tea with a spoon.
  4. Your (P/M) uncle (maternal) will open the lock with his key.
  5. The washerman is washing the clothes in the pond.
  6. Haamid is laughing in his house.
  7. I am hearing his laughter in my house.

Lesson 7


  1. Your (P/M) laborer is grinding wheat in the mill.
  2. Khalid’s friend will go to your (S/M) house.
  3. We will make you (S/M) a leader for the people.
  4. Are you (P/F) stopping them (P/M) from sinfulness and infidelity?
  5. Today I read your (S/F) letter.
  6. Tomorrow I will go to her uncle’s (paternal) house.
  7. Are you (S/F) angry with him?

Exercise 4: Translate into English

  1. لََخَُوْفٌعَُلَيْهِمْوَُلََُىُُمْيََُْزَنوُْنَُ
  2. يؤُْمِنُوْنَبُِالْغَيْبِوَُيُُقِيْمُوْنَاُلصَّلوٰةَُ
  3. ينَْقُضُوْنَعَُهْدَاُللهُِ
  4. إُِنِّْأَُُعْلَمُمَُالََُتَُعْلَمُوْنَُ
  5. أَُتَأْمُرُوْنَاُلنَّاسَبُِالْبُِِّ
  6. نَحْنُلََُنَُكْتُمُمَُاأَُُمَرَنَااُللهُُ
  7. اِنَّاُللهَيَُأْمُرُكُمْأَُُنْتَُذْبَُِوْابُقََرَةًُ
  8. يَسْمَعُوْنَكَُلََمَاُللهِثَُُّيََُُرِّفُوْنَوُُ

Exercise 5: Translate to Arabic

  1. Is being read (S/M, third person)
  2. Is being written (S/M, third person)
  3. Will be broken (S/M, third person)
  4. Will be cut (S/M, third person)
  5. She is being helped.
  6. You are being stopped (S/M)
  7. I am being stopped.
  8. We are being helped.
  9. You (S/F) will be stopped.
  10. You (S/M) are being cheated.

اَلْفِعْلُ اُلْمُضَاُرِعُُ


Exercise 6: Translate into Arabic

  1. The rope is being cut.
  2. The cloth will be dyed.
  3. Remembrance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is being raised.
  4. The prophets are being sent.
  5. Fruits are being eaten.
  6. Allah is being remembered.
  7. Tomorrow, the newspaper will be read in the library.
  8. An article will be written for your (S/F) magazine the day after tomorrow.
  9. The vow was broken a year ago.

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