Learn Arabic Grammar Online
Arabic Present and Future Tense Verb 7
Exercise 1: Translate into English
- أَُذْىَبُُ
- يعَْمَهُوْنَُ
- يََْعَلُُ
- أَُعْلَمُُ
- نعَْبُدُُ
اَلْفِعْلُ اُلْمُضَاُرِعُُ
- تَُشْعُرُوْنَُ
- تَسْمَعِيَُْ
- تَلْعَبِيَُْ
- يلَْبَسْنَُ
- تََْزَُنَانُِ
- يؤُْمِنُوْنَُ
- تَتْلُوْنَُ
- تَنْسَوْنَُ
- يَذْبََِانُِ
- أَُشْرَبُُ
Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic
- They (P/M) came to know.
- You (P/F) are reading.
- She is cooking.
- He is grieving.
- They (P/F) are cooking.
- I am making.
- We will drink.
- You (S/F) will go.
- You (S/M) will stop.
- They (D/M) will go.
Exercise 3: Translate into Arabic
- I will read your (S/M) newspaper.
- They (P/F) will cook a potatoe for you (P/M).
- You (P/M) are drinking tea with a spoon.
- Your (P/M) uncle (maternal) will open the lock with his key.
- The washerman is washing the clothes in the pond.
- Haamid is laughing in his house.
- I am hearing his laughter in my house.
Lesson 7
- Your (P/M) laborer is grinding wheat in the mill.
- Khalid’s friend will go to your (S/M) house.
- We will make you (S/M) a leader for the people.
- Are you (P/F) stopping them (P/M) from sinfulness and infidelity?
- Today I read your (S/F) letter.
- Tomorrow I will go to her uncle’s (paternal) house.
- Are you (S/F) angry with him?
Exercise 4: Translate into English
- لََخَُوْفٌعَُلَيْهِمْوَُلََُىُُمْيََُْزَنوُْنَُ
- يؤُْمِنُوْنَبُِالْغَيْبِوَُيُُقِيْمُوْنَاُلصَّلوٰةَُ
- ينَْقُضُوْنَعَُهْدَاُللهُِ
- إُِنِّْأَُُعْلَمُمَُالََُتَُعْلَمُوْنَُ
- أَُتَأْمُرُوْنَاُلنَّاسَبُِالْبُِِّ
- نَحْنُلََُنَُكْتُمُمَُاأَُُمَرَنَااُللهُُ
- اِنَّاُللهَيَُأْمُرُكُمْأَُُنْتَُذْبَُِوْابُقََرَةًُ
- يَسْمَعُوْنَكَُلََمَاُللهِثَُُّيََُُرِّفُوْنَوُُ
Exercise 5: Translate to Arabic
- Is being read (S/M, third person)
- Is being written (S/M, third person)
- Will be broken (S/M, third person)
- Will be cut (S/M, third person)
- She is being helped.
- You are being stopped (S/M)
- I am being stopped.
- We are being helped.
- You (S/F) will be stopped.
- You (S/M) are being cheated.
اَلْفِعْلُ اُلْمُضَاُرِعُُ
Exercise 6: Translate into Arabic
- The rope is being cut.
- The cloth will be dyed.
- Remembrance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is being raised.
- The prophets are being sent.
- Fruits are being eaten.
- Allah is being remembered.
- Tomorrow, the newspaper will be read in the library.
- An article will be written for your (S/F) magazine the day after tomorrow.
- The vow was broken a year ago.