Arabic Numbers 11 19
Hundreds and thousands – المئات والألوف
· The last lesson in the composite number is the numbers of hundreds and thousands, as follows:
500 خَمسمئة khamsumi‘ah | 400 أربعمئة arbaξumi’ah | 300 ثَلاثمئة thalāthmi’ah | 200 مِئتان mi’atān | 100 مِئة mi’ah |
1000 ألف alf | 900 تِسْعُمئة tisξumi’ah | 800 ثَمَانِمئة thamānimi’ah | 700 سَبْعُمئة sabξumi’ah | 600 سِتُّمئة sittumi’ah |
5000 خَمْسَةُ آلافٍ khamsatu alāf | 4000 أَرْبَعَةُ آلافٍ arbaξatu alāf | 3000 ثَلاثَةُ آلافٍ thalāthatu alāf | 2000 أَلْفَانِ alfān |
9000 تِسْعَةُ آلافٍ tisξatu alāf | 8000 ثَمَانِيَةُ آلافٍ thamānitu alāf | 7000 سَبْعَةُ آلافٍ sabξatu alāf | 6000 سِتَّةُ آلافٍ sittatu alāf |
- These numbers are declinable on the short vowels of declension based on their case – e.g.:
- Short fatħah a in accusative case
- short kasrah i in genitive case
- short đammah u in nominative case
Sign of declension | Sentence and numbers |
مرفوع بالضمة ( ُ) Ending in short đammah (u) | جاءَ مئةُ رَجُلٍ Ĵā’a mi’atu raĵulin One hundred men came. |
منصوب بالفتحة ( َ) Ending in short fatћah (a) | رَأَيْتُ مئَةََ رَجُلٍ Ra’aytu mi’ata raĵulin I saw one hundred men. |
مجرور بالكسرة( ِ) Ending in short kasrah (i) | ذهبْتُ مع مئةِ رَجُلٍ Dhahabtu maξa mi’ati raĵulin I went out with one hundred men. |
- The short vowels (đammah, fatћah and kasrah) appear on the first part of the composite numbers from 300 (thalāthumi’ah) to 900 (tisξumi’ah), such as (ثَلاثُ) “thalāth” (three), (أَرْبَعُ) “arbaξ” (four), (خَمْس) “khams” (five), (تِسْع) “tisξ” (nine), etc, and the second part (مئة) “mi’ah” (hundred) always ends with the short vowel kasrah “i”, for example:
Sign of declension | Sentence and numbers |
مجرور بالكسرة( ِ) Ending in short kasrah (i) | اِسْتمَرَّ الإسلامُ في الأنْدَلُسِ أَكْثَرَ من ثَمَانِمِئةِ عَامٍ Istamarra al-Islam fi al-andalus akthara min thamāni-mi’ati ξāmin Islam continued in Andalusia more than eight hundred years. |
منصوب بالفتحة ( َ) Ending in short fatћah (a) | قَرَأْتُ اليَوْمَ أَرْبَعَمئةَ بَيْتٍ مِنَ الشِّعْرِ Qara’tu al-yawma arbaξa-mi’ati baytin min ash-shiξr I read four hundred lines of verse today. |
مرفوع بالضمة ( ُ) Ending in short đammah (u) | هَاجَرَ ثَلاثُمئةُ رَجُلٍ إلى أمريكا Haĵara thalāthu-mi’ati raĵulun ila amriica Three hundred men emigrated to America. |
- Numbers 1000 “alf”, 2000 “alfān”, 3000 “thalāthatu alāf”, etc., have the same rules of tens numbers 100, 200, 300, etc. For example:
Sign of declension | Sentence and numbers |
مرفوع بالضمة ( ُ) Ending in short đammah (u) | جاءَ أَلْفُ رَجُلٍ Ĵā’a alfu raĵulin One thousand men came. |
منصوب بالفتحة ( َ) Ending in short fatћah (a) | رَأَيْتُ أَلْفَ رَجُلٍ Ra’aytu alfa raĵulin I saw one thousand men. |
مجرور بالكسرة( ِ) Ending in short kasrah (i) | ذهبْتُ مع أَلْفِ رَجُلٍ Dhahabtu maξa alfi raĵulin I went out with one thousand men. |
مرفوع بالضمة ( ُ) Ending in short đammah (u) | هَاجَرَ ثَلاثَةُ آلافِ رَجُلٍ إلى أمريكا Haĵara thalāthatu alāfi raĵulun ila amriica Three thousand men emigrated to America. |
منصوب بالفتحة ( َ) Ending in short fatћah (a) | قَرَأْتُ اليَوْمَ ثَلاثَةَ آلافِ بَيْتٍ مِنَ الشِّعْرِ Qara’tu al-yawma thalāthata alāfi baytin min ash-shiξr I read three thousand lines of verse today. |
مجرور بالكسرة( ِ) Ending in short kasrah (i) | رَاتِبي أكْثرُ مِنْ ثَلاثَةِ آلافِ جُنَيْهٍ Rātibi aktharu min thalāthati alāfi ĵunayhin My salary is over three thousand pounds. |
· Note: the numbered noun after numbers of hundreds and thousands is always singular and maĵrūr (مجرور) (ending with the short kasrah “i”).