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Arabic Breakfast – Arabic Beginner Lesson- 51– Learn Arabic Free Online

Arabic Breakfast – Arabic Beginner Lesson- 51– Learn Arabic Free Online

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but fuTuur is the most important wajba of
the day: When you start your day on a full stomach, you feel better and
accomplish more. In the mornings, I like to start my day with a cup of qahwa
(kah-wah; coffee). I usually like to drink it kaHla (kah-lah; black), but sometimes
I add a little Haliib (hah-leeb; milk) and some sukkar (soo-kar; sugar) to
give it a bit of flavor. Some days, I prefer to drink shay (shay; tea) instead of
qahwa. My favorite accompaniments for my qahwa or shay are khubz (koobez;
bread) and mu’ajjanaat (moo-ah-jah-nat; pastries).
Here are some other things you can expect in a regular fuTuur:
 ‘asal (ah-sal; honey)
 qahwa bi Haliib (kah-wah bee hah-leeb; coffee with milk)
 qahwa bi sukkar (kah-wah bee soo-kar; coffee with sugar)
 qahwa bi Haliib wa sukkar (kah-wah bee hah-leeb wah soo-kar; coffee
with milk and sugar)
 shay bi ‘asal (shay bee ah-sel; tea with honey)
 khubz muHammar (koo-bez moo-hah-mar; toasted bread)
 khubz bi zabda (koo-bez bee zab-dah; bread with butter)
 khubz bi zabda wa ‘asal (koo-bez bee zab-dah wah ah-sal; bread with
butter and honey)
 shefanj (sheh-fanj; donuts)
 Hubuub al-fuTuur (hoo-boob al-foo-toor; breakfast cereal)
 bayD (bah-yed; eggs)
Having fuTuur fii al-manzil (foo-toor fee al-man-zeel; breakfast at home) is a
nice, relaxing way to start the day.

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