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Arabic Irregular Adjectives: Colors Arabic Lesson For Beginners – fasiharabic.com

Arabic Irregular Adjectives: Colors  Arabic Lesson For Beginners – fasiharabic.com
Irregular Adjectives: Colors

Arabic Pronunciation Translation
‘abyaD ab-yad white (M)
bayDaa’ bay-dah white (F)
‘aswad ass-wad black (M)
sawdaa’ saw-dah black (F)
‘azraq az-rak blue (M)
zarqaa’ zar-kah blue (F)
‘akhDar ak-dar green (M)
khaDraa’ kad-rah green (F)
‘aHmar ah-mar red (M)
Hamraa’ ham-rah red (F)
‘aSfar ass-far yellow (M)
Safraa’ saf-rah yellow (F)
‘asmar ass-mar brown (M)
samraa’ sam-rah brown (F)
‘urjuwaaniiy oor-joo-wah-nee purple (M)
jurwaaniiya joor-wah-nee-yah purple (F)


Every lawn (lah-wen; color) in Table 2-3 (as well as the lawn I didn’t have
space to list) must agree in gender with the noun it describes.
One of the biggest differences between adjective and noun interactions in the
English and Arabic languages is that nouns in Arabic come before the adjectives.
In English, nouns always come after their adjectives.

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