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Arabic Lunch– Arabic Beginner Lesson- 52– Learn Arabic Free Online

Arabic Lunch– Arabic Beginner Lesson- 52– Learn Arabic Free Online

Eating your fuTuur keeps you shab’aan (shab-an; satisfied) for a few hours —
time to get some work done and remain productive. Later, though, you’re
bound to get jaai’ (jah-eeh; hungry) again. Perhaps a piece of faakiha will
keep you going until it’s time for al-ghidaa’ (al-gee-dah; lunch).
al-ghidaa’ is a very important wajba. In most Middle Eastern countries, workers
don’t sit in their cubicles and eat their ghidaa’. Rather, most offices close
and employees get two hours or more for al-ghidaa’!
Unlike fuTuur, the Ta’aam during the ghidaa’ is quite different. Here are
some of the common Ta’aam you can expect during the ghidaa’:
 laHam (lah-ham; meat)
 laHam al-baqar (lah-ham al-bah-kar; beef)
 laHam al-ghanam (lah-ham al-gah-nam; lamb)
 laHam al-‘ajal (lah-ham al-ah-jel; veal)
 samak (sah-mak; fish)
 dajaaj (dah-jaj; chicken)
 ruz (rooz; rice)
Sometimes, your ghidaa’ may consist of a simple sandwiish (sand-weesh;
sandwich). Other times, you may prefer a nice, healthy shalada (shah-lah-dah;
salad). I’m convinced that khudar (koo-dar; vegetables) make or break the
shalada. Here are some khudar to help you make your shalada ladhiidha
(lah-zee-zah; delicious):
 This Is Delicious! Eating In and Dining Out
 khass (kass; lettuce)
 TamaaTim (tah-mah-teem; tomatoes)
 khurshuuf (koor-shoof; artichokes)
 baTaaTis (bah-tah-tees; potatoes)
 hilyoon (heel-yoon; asparagus)
 ‘afookaat (ah-foo-kat; avocado)
 qarnabiiT (kar-nah-beet; broccoli)
 qunnabiiT (koo-nah-beet; cauliflower)
 dhurra (zoo-rah; corn)
 khiyaar (kee-yar; cucumber)
 fuul (fool; beans)
 ‘ayshu al-ghuraab (ay-shoo al-goo-rab; mushrooms)
 baSla (bass-lah; onions)
 baziilya (bah-zee-lee-yah; peas)
 ‘isfaanaakh (ees-fah-nak; spinach)
In order to make a sandwiish even more delicious, add some of the following
Tawaabil (tah-wah-beel; condiments):
 SalSa min aT-TamaaTim (sal-sah meen at-tah-mah-teem; ketchup)
 khardal (kar-dal; mustard)
 miiyooniiz (mee-yoo-neez; mayonnaise)
 mukhallalaat (moo-kah-lah-lat; pickles)

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