Learn Arabic Grammar Online
Arabic Prepositions 5
Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic
- Zaid went from the village to the city.
- Mahmood killed the lion with the sword.
- I cut the cloth with the scissors.
- She milked the cow’s milk in the bowl.
- You (S/M) put the shirt and the pants (one pair) in the suitcase.
- You (P/M) wrote on the cards with pencils.
- They (P/F) ate biscuits with butter and cream.
- By Allah (oath).
Lesson 5
- The teacher asked the students about the lesson.
- Allah made the night for sleeping and the day for working.
- Buffalo’s milk is whiter than cow’s milk.
- Gold and silver are like stones to Zahid.
- I looked towards the moon and the stars.
- They (P/M) opened the lock with the key.
- We went to the garden and we sat on the grass.
Exercise 2: Translate into English
- اَلَْْمْدُلُِلَّوُِ
- فِِاُلْقُرْآنِىُُدًىلُِّلنَّاسُِ
- اَلسَّحَابُمُُسَخَّرٌبُيََْاُلسَّمَآءِوَُاُلَُْْرْضُِ
- يُُوَْمُاُلسَّبْتُِلُُِلْيَهُوْدِوَُُيَوْمُاُلَُْْحَدُِلُِلنَّصَارٰى
- قَرَُأَُتْجُُزْءًامُِّنَاُلْقُرْآنِفُِِْيُوَْمِاُلَْْمِيْسِوَُاُلُْْمُعَةُِ
- لِلْمُسْلِمِفُِِاُلدُّنْيَاحَُسَنَةٌوَُّفُِِاُلُْخِرَةِحَُسَنَةٌُ
- اُٰمَنْتُبَُِِآأَُُنْزَلَاُللهُُ
- وَقَعَاُلذُّبَابُفُِِاُلطَّعَامُِ
- أُُنْزِلَُتِاُلُْيَاتُكَُصَيِّبٍمُِّنَاُلسَّمَآءُِ
- كُتِبَتِاُلصَّلوٰةُعَُلَُىاُلْمُسْلِمُِ
- فَتَحُوْابَُابَاُلُْْجْرَةِيُوَْمَاُلَِْثْنَيِْوَُجَُلَسُوْاعَُلىَاُلسَّرِيْرِيُوَْمَاُلثُّلََثَاءُِ
- كَسَرْتُنَّقُِنِّيْنَةَاُلزُّجَاجِبُِالُْجُرَّةِيَُوْمَاُلَُْْرْبعََآءُِ