Learn Arabic Grammar Online

Arabic Prepositions 5

Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic

  1. Zaid went from the village to the city.
  2. Mahmood killed the lion with the sword.
  3. I cut the cloth with the scissors.
  4. She milked the cow’s milk in the bowl.
  5. You (S/M) put the shirt and the pants (one pair) in the suitcase.
  6. You (P/M) wrote on the cards with pencils.
  7. They (P/F) ate biscuits with butter and cream.
  8. By Allah (oath).

Lesson 5


  1. The teacher asked the students about the lesson.
  2. Allah made the night for sleeping and the day for working.
  3. Buffalo’s milk is whiter than cow’s milk.
  4. Gold and silver are like stones to Zahid.
  5. I looked towards the moon and the stars.
  6. They (P/M) opened the lock with the key.
  7. We went to the garden and we sat on the grass.

Exercise 2: Translate into English

  1. اَلَْْمْدُلُِلَّوُِ
  2. فِِاُلْقُرْآنِىُُدًىلُِّلنَّاسُِ
  3. اَلسَّحَابُمُُسَخَّرٌبُيََْاُلسَّمَآءِوَُاُلَُْْرْضُِ
  4. يُُوَْمُاُلسَّبْتُِلُُِلْيَهُوْدِوَُُيَوْمُاُلَُْْحَدُِلُِلنَّصَارٰى
  5. قَرَُأَُتْجُُزْءًامُِّنَاُلْقُرْآنِفُِِْيُوَْمِاُلَْْمِيْسِوَُاُلُْْمُعَةُِ
  6. لِلْمُسْلِمِفُِِاُلدُّنْيَاحَُسَنَةٌوَُّفُِِاُلُْخِرَةِحَُسَنَةٌُ
  7. اُٰمَنْتُبَُِِآأَُُنْزَلَاُللهُُ
  8. وَقَعَاُلذُّبَابُفُِِاُلطَّعَامُِ
  9. أُُنْزِلَُتِاُلُْيَاتُكَُصَيِّبٍمُِّنَاُلسَّمَآءُِ
  10. كُتِبَتِاُلصَّلوٰةُعَُلَُىاُلْمُسْلِمُِ
  11. فَتَحُوْابَُابَاُلُْْجْرَةِيُوَْمَاُلَِْثْنَيِْوَُجَُلَسُوْاعَُلىَاُلسَّرِيْرِيُوَْمَاُلثُّلََثَاءُِ
  12. كَسَرْتُنَّقُِنِّيْنَةَاُلزُّجَاجِبُِالُْجُرَّةِيَُوْمَاُلَُْْرْبعََآءُِ

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