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Arabic Imperative (Positive Command) & Prohibitive (Negative Command) 9

Exercise 1: Translate into English

  1. اِذْىَبُْ
  2. لََتَُذْىَبُْ
  3. لََتََُْنَعُوْا
  4. لََتَُبْدَئُِيُْ
  5. اِفْتَُحُِيُْ
  6. لََتَُبْحَثْنَُ
  7. لََتَُسْمَعُوْا
  8. اُِضْحَكُوْا
  9. اِعْمَلُوْا
  10. اِسََْعَا
  11. اِعْلَمَا
  12. لََتَُلْعَبَا

Exercise 2: Translate into Arabic

  1. Don’t go (P/M) to the market, but go to the mosque.
  2. Open (S/M) the box.
  3. Put (P/M) sugar in the tea.

Lesson 9


  1. Work (D/M) for yourselves.
  2. Don’t laugh (P/M) a lot.
  3. Accept (P/F) the advice of your mothers.
  4. Don’t make (D/M) a share for Shaytan in your deeds.
  5. Don’t (P/M) play with the doll; play (P/M) with the ball.
  6. Listen (S/M) to the speech of Allah.
  7. Don’t (S/F) play with the mirror and the comb; cook (S/F) the meat.
  8. Be cautious (P/F) of the snake and the scorpion.
  9. Don’t (D/F) go near the ball; play (D/F) with this cat.

Exercise 3: Translate into English.

  1. لََتََُْزَنْعَُلَيْهِمْإُُِنهَُّمْصُُميُمبُُكْمٌعُُمُْيٌُفَُهُمْلََُيُرَْجِعُوْنَُ
  2. اِىُْدِنَااُلصِّرَاطَاُلْمُسْتَقِيْمَُ
  3. لََتَُهْزَءُوْاوَُلََُتَُضْحَكُوْا
  4. اِفْعَلُوااُلَْْيْرَوَُاتَّقُوُااُللهَُ
  5. اِقْرَءُِيُْوَُلََُتَُلْعَبيُْ
  6. اُِعْلَمُوْاأَُُنَّاُللهَعَُلىٰكُُلِّشَُُيُْءٍقَُدِيْرٌُ
  7. اِقْبَلُوااُلشَّفَاعَةَُ
  8. اِىْبِطُوْامُِصْرًا
  9. اُدْخُلُوْاىُٰذِهِاُلْقَرُْيَةَُ
  10. لََتَُتَبَدَّلُوااُلَْْبِيْثَبُِالطَّيِّبُِ
  11. اِذْىَبُوْامَُعَصَُدِيْقِكُمْإُُِلَاُلْفُنْدُقِوَُاُشْرَبوُْااُللَّبََمَُعَوُُ
  12. اِفْتَحُوْابَُابَاُلْبَيْتِوَُاُذْىَبُوْاإُُِلُٰمُُُدِيْرُِاُلَْْرِيْدَةُِ

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