Learn Arabic Grammar Online
Arabic Verb, Subject, Object 4
Exercise 1: Translate into Arabic
- Hameed read a book.
- Naseer stopped Mahmood.
- Khalid wrote a letter.
- Taariq defeated the army.
- The woman kneaded the flour.
- The girl cooked the meat.
- The laborer ground the wheat.
- The uncle (maternal) ate the bread.
- The goat pushed (with its horns) the child.
- I ate the rice.
- I hit the dog.
Lesson 4
- You (P/M) worshipped Allah.
- They (P/F) broke the glass.
- You (S/F) tore the cloth.
- Hameed’s friend helped Khalid’s grandson (son’s son).
- The girl’s mother broke the glass.
- The servant kneaded the wheat flour.
Exercise 2: Translate into English
- جَعَلَاُللهُُمَُُُمَّدًا )ُصَلَّىاُللهعَُلَيْوِوَُسَُلَّمَُ( رَُّسُوْلًَُ
- وَجَُعَلَاُللهُُاُلُِْسْلََمَدُِيْنًا
- جَعَُلَُاُللهُُاُلسَّمَآءَبُِنَاءًوَُّاُلَُْْرْضَفُِرَاشًا
- خَدَعَاُلشَّيْطَُانُاُلُِْنْسَانَُ
- مَارَُبَِِتْتَُِِارَةٌُ
- سََِعَتُْاُلَُْٰذَانُوَُُرَُُأَُتُْاُلْعُيُوْنُوَُعَُقَلَتُْاُلْقُلُوْبُُ
- نقََضَاُلْفَاسِقُعَُهْدَاُللهِوَُسََُِعَاُلْمُسْلِمُكَُلََمَاُللهُِ
- ضَرَبَرَُجُلٌمَُثَلًَُ
- ذكََرُوْانُِعْمَةَاُللهِوَُمَُاكَُفَرُوْا
- فَرَقْنَااُلْبَحْرَوَُأَُُغْرَقْنَااُُٰلَفُِرْعَوْنَُ
- حَلَبَْاُلشَّاةَوَُحَُلَبُْتَُّاُلْبَقَرَةَُ
- ذَُبَِْتُمُاُلدِّيُْكَوَُطَُبَخُْتُمُُاُللَّحْمَُ
- أَُنْزَلَاُللهُاُلْمَطَرَوَُأَُُنْبَتَاُلنَّبَاتَوَُاُلَُْْثََْارَُ