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Arabic- Sporting an Athletic Side İn Arabic -Arabic Beginner Lesson 64 Learn Arabic Free Online

Arabic- Sporting an Athletic Side İn Arabic -Arabic Beginner Lesson 64 Learn Arabic Free Online

Arabic- Sporting an Athletic Side İn Arabic
I don’t know about you, but I love playing riyaaDa, whether it’s an individual
sport such as al-ghuulf (al-goo-lef; golf) or a team sport like kurat al-qadam
(koo-rat al-kah-dam; soccer).
kurat al-qadam is one of the most popular sports among Arabic-speaking
people; in the Middle East, it comes as close as any sport to being the
“national” sport. One reason why kurat al-qadam is so popular is because it’s
a riyaaDa mushaahada (ree-yah-dah moo-sha-hah-dah; spectator sport). In a
typical mubaara (moo-bah-rah; game), one fariiq (fah-reek; team) with 11
players plays another fariiq in a mal’ab (mah-lab; stadium). Fans follow the
natiija (nah-tee-jah; score) closely, hoping that their fariiq manages a fawz
(fah-wez; win). Not surprisingly, excited fans react to every khata’ (kah-tah;
foul), often disagreeing with the Hakam (hah-kam; referee).
If you find yourself enjoying kurat al-qadam or a number of other team sports
with a friend who speaks Arabic, the following terms may come in handy:
 malaabis riyaaDiyya (mah-lah-bees ree-yah-dee-yah; uniforms)
 khasar (kah-sar; loss)
Chapter 8: Enjoying Yourself: Recreation 145
 kura (koo-rah; ball)
 laa’ib (lah-eeb; player) (MS)
 laa’iba (lah-ee-bah; player) (FS)
kurat al-qadam is only one of the many sports popular with Arabic speakers
and peoples of the Middle East. Here are some other favorite sports:
 sibaaHa (see-bah-hah; swimming)
 furusiiyya (foo-roo-see-yah; horseback riding)
 kurat aT-Taa’ira (koo-rat ah-tah-ee-rah; volleyball)
 kurat as-salla (koo-rat ah-sah-lah; basketball)
 kurat al-miDrab (koo-rat al-meed-rab; tennis)
 daraaja (dah-rah-jah; cycling)
 tazaHluq (tah-zah-look; skiing)
 tazalluj (tah-zah-looj; ice skating)
 jumbaaz (joo-meh-baz; gymnastics)
 siyaaqat as-sayaara (see-yah-kat ah-sah-yah-rah; racecar driving)
One of the most common verbs used with sports and other recreational
activities is la’aba (lah-ah-bah; play). Because the verb la’aba is commonly
used and important — much like the verb fa’ala — knowing how to conjugate
it in both the maaDii and the muDaari’ is a good idea.
Here’s the verb la’aba in the maaDii form:
Form Pronunciation Translation
‘anaa la’abtu ah-nah lah-ahb-too I played
‘anta la’abta ahn-tah lah-ahb-tah You played (MS)
‘anti la’abti ahn-tee lah-ahb-tee You played (FS)
huwa la’aba hoo-wah lah-ah-bah He played
hiya la’abat hee-yah lah-ah-bat She played
naHnu la’abnaa nah-noo lah-ahb-naa We played
‘antum la’abtum ahn-toom lah-ahb-toom You played (MP)
‘antunna la’abtunna ahn-too-nah lah-ahb-too-nah You played (FP)
hum la’abuu hoom lah-ah-boo They played (MP)
hunna la’abna hoo-nah lah-ahb-nah They played (FP)
146 Part II: Arabic in Action
Form Pronunciation Translation
antumaa la’abtumaa ahn-too-mah lah-ahb-too-mah You played (dual/
humaa la’abaa hoo-mah lah-ah-bah They played (dual/
humaa la’abataa hoo-mah lah-ah-bah-tah They played (dual/
Use the form yal’abu to conjugate “to play” in the muDaari’:
Form Pronunciation Translation
‘anaa ‘al’abu ah-nah al-ah-boo I am playing
‘anta tal’abu ahn-tah tal-ah-boo You are playing (MS)
‘anti tal’abiina ahn-tee tal-ah-bee-nah You are playing (FS)
huwa yal’abu hoo-wah yal-ah-boo He is playing
hiya tal’abu hee-yah tal-ah-boo She is playing
naHnu nal’abu nah-noo nal-ah-boo We are playing
‘antum tal’abuuna ahn-toom tal-ah-boo-nah You are playing (MP)
‘antunna tal’abna ahn-too-nah tal-ahb-nah You are playing (FP)
hum yal’abuuna hoom yal-ah-boo-nah They are playing
hunna yal’abna hoom yal-ah-boo-nah They are playing (FP)
antumaa tal’abaani ahn-too-mah tal-ah-bah-nee You are playing
humaa yal’abaani hoo-mah yal-ah-bah-nee They are playing
humaa tal’abaani hoo-mah tal-ah-bah-nee They are playing
The sentence structure for creating verbs is such that you use the verb
la’aba or yal’abu followed by the sport or activity you’re playing. For example,
you may say ‘anaa ‘al’abu kurat as-salla (I am playing basketball) or hiya
la’abat kurat al-miDrab (She played tennis). As you can see from these examples,
all you do is start with the personal pronoun and verb conjugation,
attach the sport you’re referring to, and voila!
Another important phrase commonly used relating to sports and other fun
activities is hayyaa binaa (hah-yah bee-nah; Let’s go). You’ll often hear
friends telling each other hayyaa binaa followed by the activity or location of
the activity, such as hayyaa binaa ‘ilaa mal’ab kurat al-qadam (hah-yah beenah
ee-lah mal-ahb koo-rat al-kah-dam; Let’s go to the soccer field).

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