Learn Arabic Grammar Online
Arabic Definite Article – اَلْ The Arabic Definite Article – Alif Laam – which corresponds to ‘The’ in English.
Exercise – تَدْرِيبٌ
اِقْرَأِ الْكَلِمَاتِ الآتِيَةَ وَاكْتُبْهَا مُرَاعِيًا قَوَاعِدَ نُطْقِ الْحُرُوفِ الْقَمَرِيَّةِ وَالشَّمْسِيَّةِ |
- The sentence above says: “Read and write the words keeping in mind the rules pertaining to the Solar and Lunar Letters”. Once again, please write the words below with a pen and paper and read the words prior to clicking on them below to hear the correct pronunciation. As these words have already been covered before, the vowel-marks and diacritical marks (e.g. /fatħah/, /kasrah/, /đammah/, /sukūn/ etc) have not been used over the letters. This is the way standard Arabic is written and it is important to get used to this.
المدرس | الديك | البيت |
السكر | الطالب | الباب |
الكعبة | الصلاة | القرآن |
الصابون | الإصبع | الرأس |
الظهر | الفجر | الظفر |
العشاء | المغرب | العصر |